I wished to discover a regional canine bakery where I might purchase healthy canine treats as well as potentially even a doggy birthday cake for my mutt Ace. I just don’t count on industrial canine food business to offer my canine with healthy snacks. kto mógłby?
I believed it would be awesome to discover a regional canine bakery that might even ship canine treats to my blog visitors around the country, not just the Fargo area.
I am so pleased I discovered the Dachshing canine Bakery & Pawtique!
What is Dachshing canine Bakery?
The Dachshing canine Bakery & Pawtique is a house company had by a lady named Val in Barnesville, Minn. Val makes the canine treats herself utilizing all-natural components as well as ships the goodies all across the United States. She even makes cupcakes as well as cakes for dogs in addition to natural treats for cats.
Val is currently the canine mother of five dogs – two goldens, a golden lab, a black lab mix as well as a miniature dachshund.
“They all provide the paw of approval for Dachshing canine Bakery treats, having been my preliminary testers before we sent out samples to numerous other dogs of all sizes as well as breeds,” Val said.
The concept for the canine bakery occurred to Val after the passing of her mother’s cherished dachshund “Bun” who liked eating vegetables, particularly eco-friendly beans. Val now feels that Bun is “dashing around with his wings as he waits at the rainbow bridge, providing wags of approval for this business.”
All-natural canine treats
Val has spent years baking for dogs. She stated she has a constant drive to seek out healthy options to numerous of the commercially top quality pet treats frequently made of wheat flour, sugar as well as salt. She was propelled to produce canine treat recipes totally free of wheat, corn as well as soy.
“By feeding your canine all-natural treats, especially our treats, you’re feeding a canine treats with less fillers as well as without the additives like sugars as well as salts that can characteristic to specific health and wellness problems like high blood pressure, ” powiedziała.
One of Val’s dogs has an intolerance to wheat as well as suffers from excessively itchy skin if subjected to wheat in food or treats.
“So numerous humans experience from the intolerance to wheat, as well as it’s not uncommon for a canine to have the exact same issue,” Val said.
She continues to seek info concerning the most recent studies as well as what’s available concerning the great as well as poor surrounding canine food as well as canine treats. She is working on a few grain-free recipes for treats, currently providing a grain-free version of her Peanut Butter Carob Dreams.
“Treats from Dachshing canine Bakery are treats that you can feel great about providing your furry household members,” Val said.
Which canine treats would you feed your dog?
Dog treats from Dachshing canine Bakery are formulated with all-natural ingredients, numerous from organic resources, Val said.
To provide you an idea, I believed I’d compare the components of Val’s Dachshing canine treats to three industrial brands.
Which treats will you purchase your dog?
Peanut Butter Carob dreams from Dachshing canine Bakery: Brown rice flour, natural peanut butter, carob powder, ground flax seed, water
Bil Jac liver treats: chicken liver, chicken, poultry spin-off meal, corn, glycerin, high fructose corn syrup, wheat flour, propylene glycol, phosphoric acid, salt, calcium propionate, potassium sorbate, BHA as well as citric acid, iron oxide (ingredients noted at Petco.com)
Beggin’ Strips from Purina: Ground wheat, corn gluten meal, wheat flour, ground yellow corn, water, sugar, glycerin, soybean meal, meat, hydrogenated starch hydrolysate, bacon fat, salt, phosphoric acid, sorbic acid, calcium propionate, natural as well as synthetic smoke flavors, added color, choline chloride (ingredients noted at Epinions.com)
Original Milk Bones canine biscuits: Wheat Flour, wheat bran, meat as well as bone meal, milk, wheat germ, beef fat, salt, natural flavor, dicalcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, brewers dried yeast, malted barley flour, sodium metabisulfite, choline chloride, minerals (ingredients noted at MilkBone.com)
Hmm … I believe I’ll choose the very first option. I’ll even admit I sampled a few of the Dachshing canine treats myself, as well as they were not bad!
Order natural canine treats from Dachshing canine Bakery!
Dog treats from Dachshing canine Bakery are available in bundles of five lots at $6.50 per bundle (tax included), plus shipping.
The bundles are available in single flavors or two mixed flavors. There are currently eight flavors to select from as well asStany Val znacznie więcej jest w pracach.
Aby zamówić, po prostu przejdź do sklepu firmy. Kasa jest proste wykorzystujące kartę PayPal lub Credit Rating. Nie pamiętam, aby używać kodu kuponu, który można uzyskać 12 smakołyków dodanych do kolejności traktowania!
Mój ass psów był niezwykle zachwycony, musiał spróbować licznych smaków z piekarni. Val sprawił, że pakiet zasięgu ze smakami, w tym masłem orzechowym, wspaniałym ziemniakiem, jagodami, a także bananem.
Kupiłem ace pakiet jabłkowych japarskich japułek i masło orzechowe Carob marzy, ponieważ jabłka, a także masło orzechowe są dwoma jego ulubionymi smakołykami. Bez zaskoczenia, że wszystkie smakołyki były ogromnym hitem w naszym domu!
Babeczki dla psów, a także inne produkty
Dachhing Canine Piekarnia zadziwiała as z jego niezwykle własnym pupcake masła orzechowego na szóste urodziny! Nie trzeba dodawać, że lubił jego Pupcake (patrz wideo poniżej)! To wspaniałe bitowe ciasto zniknęło w dwóch łykach, pozostawiając asa śliniąc się więcej. Wamięci, że było dobrze! Czuję się biedny, nie obniżyłem go najpierw!
Inne produkty w Dachshing Canine Piekarnia i Pet Pawtique obejmują zabawki psów, neutralizatorów zapachów, smakołyki kotów, specjalną linię kołnierzy o nazwie “Rescue Me Me”, a także więcej! Val stwierdził, że jest to niezbędne dla niej, aby zapobiec powrót do zwierząt w wymaganiach, więc przy zakupie kołnierza “ratunkowego”, pejście dachlingowe psia darowiła 2 $ do regionalnego ratownictwa zwierząt.
“Zrozumienie psów, a także koty, które serwujemy, a także podobnie jak z powrotem do naszej okolicy jest ogromna część naszej tożsamości”, powiedział Val. Naprawdę ceni jej klientów.
Poniżej znajdują się kilka psów traktuje ACE dostało się z piekarni psów dachshing:
Pupcakes (babeczki dla psów!)
Serce marzenia z masłem orzechowym z masłem orzechowym (masło orzechowe, a także smakołyki psów)
Apple Cinnamon Yappès (jabłkowy cynamon psów – mniam!)
Jaki smak smakoszy zamierzasz kupić swojego psa?
Nie pamiętaj o wykorzystaniu kodu kuponu rabatowego, który w kasie, aby uzyskać wiele całkowicie darmowych smakołyków z następnym zakupem Traktowania z Dachhing Canine Bakery!