[frame src=”http://www.thatmutt.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/poochpax_widesm.jpg” target=”_self” width=”620″ height=”316″ alt=”PoochPax” align=”center” prettyphoto=”false”]
PoochPax – a monthly gift box for your dog
Note: This is a sponsored post. read a lot more to learn how you can win a complimentary PoochPax box.
I want a PoochPax subscription for Christmas.
PoochPax is a monthly subscription box where your pet dog receives a package of at least four hand-selected toys and treats.
Sounds fun, right?
Seriously, when our sample PoochPax came in the mail, I don’t know who was excited, me or my dog.
Here’s how PoochPax works:
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1. visit PoochPax.com.
2. select either “Get PoochPax” or “Give PoochPax” (great gift idea, by the way!)
3. choose your subscription plan – one month, three months or six months. The price ranges from $19 to $29 per month, depending on the plan.
4. select the size of your pet dog – small, medium, or large. enter your dog’s name and birthday.
5. enter your billing information, and wait for your monthly package of goodies to arrive!
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So what’s in the box?
Each box consists of four to six hand-selected, age-appropriate toys and treats. You can see what Ace received in his October PoochPax by taking a close look in any way the photos in this post – two types of treats, three toys and a bacon twist chew! If you’re a pet dog (or someone who loves to spoil his or her dog), it doesn’t get much better than that.
I won’t go into too lots of details about each toy and treat Ace received, considering that each month will be absolutely different. Instead, I’ll give you my general thoughts on the items as a whole.
The good
A great variety of items – smaller treats as well as a bacon twist chew.
Nice variety of toys, too – a rope toy, a tug-type toy and a ball(!!).
It was fun to receive the unique, glow-in-the-dark, interactive ball.
The ball was specifically labeled as “nontoxic.” I’m not sure if that actually indicates a whole lot, but it did make this pet dog mommy feel better.
The treats and the chew were all labeled as made in the USA, and PoochPax makes a point to send mostly grain-free, natural food items, according to its web site.
The not so good
One of the toys was a bit small for my 70-pound dog. I was terrified it would snap in half and hit him in the face if we played tug (we take tug-of-war very seriously). considering that PoochPax specifically sends out boxes to small, medium and large dogs, I thought it could’ve done a better job with that particular toy.
One toy was labeled as made in China. another was labeled as made in Taiwan, even though it had “American pet dog toys” printed ideal on the toy. While it’s not necessarily bad if toys are made outside of the United States, I feel better about American-made pet dog toys.
I asked PoochPax Operations manager Joseph West about this and he said, “We are big pet dog lovers, and everything we share with others we selected because we feel comfortable using with our own loved ones.”
How does PoochPax compare to other subscription boxes for dogs?
[frame src=”http://www.thatmutt.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/DSC00041-e1383932964553.jpg” link=”” target=”_self” width=”280″ height=”211″ alt=”A Ball!” align=”left” prettyphoto=”false”]One thing I like about PoochPax is that the products in the box are specifically two things – treats and toys. Let’s face it, that’s all dogs really want. PoochPax focuses on the fun stuff.
“We are combining things in our box that foster interactivity with our dogs,” said West. “We want to select things that you do together with your pup, be it treats or toys you both play together with.”
He said each PoochPax typically includes items from the main categories a lot of dogs love.
“We try to have something to play tug with,” he said. “We try to always have some kind of chewy. always a couple types of fun, special treats. Something to chase or fetch and nearly always some kind of cuddle toy. These are the things we see that make our dogs happy, and that is what we want to share.”
[quote_center]“We are combining things in our box that foster interactivity with our dogs”[/quote_center]
PoochPax also donates to guide Dogs for the Blind, a nonprofit organization that trains guide dogs for visually impaired people across the country.
“I myself am vision impaired, and I thought what better than to support two things so close to my heart and the lives of so lots of others,” said West.
Want to give PoochPax a try?
[frame src = ”http://www.thatmutt.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/poochpax-e1383932899315.jpg” link = ”” alt = ”piłka!” align = ”right” Pretthoto = “false”] kod kuponu pochpax
Aby zaoszczędzić 5 USD na pierwszej sześciomiesięcznej subskrypcji, po prostu użyj kodu kuponu, który Umutt podczas kasy na Poochpax.com.
Jeśli kupisz od 15 listopada do 15 listopada, otrzymasz grudniowe pudełko na Boże Narodzenie, według West. Jeśli chcesz wysłać Poochpax jako prezent, możesz to z łatwością zrobić, wybierając ten adres do wysyłki. Dostępne są również bony upominkowe.
Co powiesz na szansę wygrania bezpłatnego pudełka?
Jeśli chcesz zostać wprowadzony na rysunek, aby wygrać bezpłatne pudełko pochpax, po prostu zostaw komentarz, mówiąc, dlaczego twój pies chciałby wygrać. Wybieram zwycięzcę losowo i ogłoszę zwycięzcę tutaj w piątek. Edycja: A zwycięzcą jest Stacey!
[ramka src = ”http://www.thatmutt.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/poochpax-box-wrapping.jpg” link = ”” = ”209 ″ alt =” niespodzianka Pochpax! ” ALIGN = ”Left” Prettophoto = „False”] subskrybenci biuletynu tego Mutta będą mieli dodatkową okazję do wygrania bezpłatnego kąka, więc sprawdź jutrzejszy biuletyn (13 listopada). Jeśli nie jesteś subskrybowany do biuletynu, po prostu wprowadź swój e -mail do pudełka na samym szczycie tego, a kliknij „Dołącz do biuletynu”. EDYCJA: A zwycięzcą jest Mary i jej pies domowy Murphy!
Pochpax ma również ciągły konkurs na swoich stronach mediów społecznościowych. Jeśli udostępnisz zdjęcie swojego psa dla któregokolwiek z witryn mediów społecznościowych Pochpax, Twój pies będzie starał się otrzymać komplementarne wykonanie zdjęcia na płótnie 11 na 14, gotowe do hang. Co miesiąc będzie nowy zwycięzca!
Odwiedź PoOCHPAX.com, aby uzyskać więcej informacji.
Dlaczego więc twój pies miałby wygrać bezpłatne pudełko prezentowe od Poochpax?